About R&D Efficiency
Traditional product development is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by rapid changes in market conditions and a high rate of innovation in new technologies. In this dynamic environment, companies face challenges that often require a strategic realignment of their product development processes to meet increasing efficiency demands.
The goal of increasing revenue while reducing costs remains unchanged. Additionally, accelerating the product development timeline, or “Time-to-Market,” has become crucial. This is key to responding promptly to customer expectations and thereby securing important market shares. Beyond economic metrics, it is essential, at least in the medium term, to maintain or even improve quality and the rate of innovation to secure or expand market share.
As if the technical and partly politically motivated regulations were not challenging enough, increasing globalization leads to a more global competition. Products that were previously developed entirely in one region for that region now often undergo only regional adjustments to meet local customer expectations. This ultimately means that not only do companies with various development locations compete against each other, but competition also arises within a corporation among different departments.
Why are we performing this study?
In practice, it has been observed that traditional product development moves in an alternating structure over years, even decades, to achieve either high innovation strength or high cost efficiency, depending on the needs. Rarely are both objectives achieved simultaneously. Yet, especially now, in light of the high inflation of recent years, rising energy and labor costs, declining consumer behavior, and political uncertainty, companies in Germany and the EU are forced to act cost-efficiently. However, to remain competitive against companies in Asia and America, a high rate of innovation is also necessary. This may seem contradictory at first, but it does not necessarily have to be.
The main objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the current challenges in product development and to identify effective strategies for increasing efficiency. The aim is to derive practical recommendations for companies in a wide range of industries that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the current economic situation. The results of the study should help companies to optimize their product development processes, accelerate the implementation of advanced technologies and promote a culture of innovation.
Efficiency in R&D is achieved by balancing the interacting elements and factors at different layers
Your Benefits
As a participant in the study, you can expect a range of benefits from the results.
Meet the Team
The study is organized and carried out by our experts from the INVENSITY “Process Transformation” Team, who will be happy to answer any of your questions.