Cooperations @INVENSITY: Digital Academy trainings for athletes

July 8th, 2020 – Reading time: 3 minutes

The times of shutdown, home-office and contact ban may have been a little more relaxed for many people compared to the regular daily routine. At the same time it brought and still brings a high degree of uncertainty. Especially for high performance athletes, who always work towards certain events, it can be stressful not to know exactly how everything will continue. The INVENSITY Academy created an offer with which Hessian athletes, all of them part of the Olympic Training Center Hessen in Frankfurt (OSP Hessen), were able to fill their free time in a meaningful way – without constantly carrying with them the subliminal feeling of wasting time because of Corona.

Being aware of your goals and structuring the time available accordingly – what sounds like a promising strategy for the competitive athlete is one of the basic methods of time management. This was one of the key takeaways that 14 German national squad athletes from a wide variety of sports learned in the virtual personality development training “Success through effective self-management”. Daniel Pfeifer, Head of the INVENSITY Academy realized two digital appointments on April 28th and 30st, in which the athletes could participate from home.

Personal development at the time of COVID-19: Daniel Pfeifer (Head of the INVENSITY Academy, bottom left in the picture) taught a total of 14 German high-performance athletes methods of time management. Here in the picture from left to right: Paul Henning (volleyball), Erik Weick (biathlon), Camilla Weitzel (volleyball).

“I have always believed that the sport automatically provided me with very good time management, as we always have to coordinate and reconcile a lot of appointments. The training thought me that it can be done even better, even more efficiently and, above all, more stress-free”, answers Tim Mayer, professional golfer, asked what he learned in the training. And he adds: “I have already been able to integrate some aspects into my everyday life. In particular, I have become aware that we don’t possess time, i.e. we neither have it nor don’t have it. We can only spend the time – and we decide for what, ideally according to the goals we want to achieve.”

Several trainings for athletes

In the past months, a variety of INVENSITY Academy trainings especially for competitive athletes have already taken place – at that time without contact restrictions, in our headquarter in Wiesbaden. Some Hessian athletes have already improved their negotiation and communication skills.

INVENSITY is proud partner of the Olympic Training Center Hessen. The primary objective of this cooperation is to support high performance athletes in balancing their sporting and professional careers.

“We want to support the development of top-level sport. Fairness, trust, responsibility, commitment, sincerity and respect are the core values of INVENSITY, which are also reflected in sport,” explains Frank Lichtenberg, Director of INVENSITY. He continues: “The mentality of top athletes corresponds exactly to the uniqueness of our employees. And just like the athletes, they only develop their full excellence through teamwork.”

That’s why INVENSITY offers athletes the opportunity to complete internships, final thesis and even career starts – in addition to the ACADEMY training sessions, where the young people work on their personal development. And the story continues.


  • Beate Christmann

    Communications Senior

How can we accelerate your development?

INVENSITY Academy Services


  • Technical Knowledge
  • Methodical Skills
  • Personal Excellence
  • Social Competences
  • Leadership

University Trainings

  • Communication Skills
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Project Management

Inhouse Service

  • Individual training development
  • Competence expansion of your employees
  • External employee assessments
  • Moderated workshops
  • Mediation – Conflict Management